Dr. Hayne's (Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from University of Arizona) research interests lie mainly in Big Data Analytics, Collaborative Technologies, Social Network Analysis. His research is based in the desire to use innovative technologies to solve real business problems. He has developed theories and implemented systems to help groups with communication and decision-making, using concepts such as shared cognition, collaborative drawing, group brainstorming, concurrent issue surfacing/consolidation, consensus building, choice, pattern recognition and team bidding in auctions. Dr. Hayne’s other research interests lie with “social” networks theory/analytics, distributed systems, big data, auctions and ecommerce (reputation and pricing effects). Dr. Hayne has accepted the appointment of co-Director of the Cyber Center of Colorado. He has published more than 80 research articles (GoogleScholar, ORCHID: 0000-0002-9578-3364) appearing in such journals as Decision Sciences, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Organizational Computing & Electronic Commerce, Information Systems Frontiers, Electronic Markets, Journal of Systems and Software, Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Journal of Information and Technology Management, Management Communication Quarterly among others. He has co-edited the book Real-Time Group Drawing (1995, McGraw-Hill). His research grants now total more than $8+million (Department of Homeland Security, Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, etc.) His current grant is on detecting and mitigating distributed denial of service attacks, with Dr. Papadopoulos, and Dr. Wang. He received an IBM Faculty Fellowship in 2006, the College of Business Research Award in 2006, and was the First National Bank Research Fellow from 2005-2008. Dr. Hayne was an Adjunct Professor for Executive Education and the GLCP program at the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird). He has taught Executive MBA courses in Romania (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) in the areas of "Information Technology" and "Knowledge Management".
was Registration Chair and Treasurer for the
conference for many years (1995-2020; currently being held in Florida),
CSCW 2010
(Georgia) and
CSCW 2011 (Beijing),
CSCW 2012. He was co-Chair of the
Association for Information Systems
Americas Conference in 2007 (with John Hoxmeier). He is past Chair of the
Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work,
has co-chaired a mini-track on
Decision Making Under Time Pressure
at the Association for Information Systems Americas Conference.